Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Blog 7

After watching the movie V for Vendetta and reading the little bit of the graphic novel that we did I had a few mixed feelings about the book/movie. I liked the movie but at the same time I am not really into gory and killing movies so that kind of made me think that I would have liked reading the novel better. Also for V's death I liked how he died better int he movie rather than in the book because I liked how everyone ganged up on V and shot him then I liked how he lived long enough to kill all of them. Then I also like the movie better than the novel at the end where everyone takes off their V masks and you see many people like Valerie, the girl and Gordon because it makes it look more realistic and like everyone is taking V's side and is going to get revenge on the government. And the last reason why I liked the movie better than the novel is because in the end of the novel it shows Evey meeting up with that man but then it kind of lets you hanging and wondering what is going to happen and I don't like to be left wondering. So all in all I didn't think that V for Vendetta was a bad movie/novel. But there were a few things I would change in both the movie and novel if I could.

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