Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Blog 8

Alan Lightman wrote and published an article called "A Tale of Two Loves" as a way of expressing his feelings towards certain events. In the article he starts off by saying that he wrote dozens of poems to express how he felt about death, loneliness, and admiration. He also says about the time when his Grandfather died how he buried his grief by writing a poem. I really enjoyed this article because I am a strong believer that writing poems, writing a letter drawing a picture or doing some form of art, or just doing something that you love to do is a good way to relieve stress, express or hide your emotions, and just plain out express your own unique individuality. I know that when I get mad or stressed or just have something that I want so bad to tell someone but can't I like to write a letter about how and what I'm feeling or about what happened in a situation or even just writing a poem about how I'm feeling about a certain situation is also a good way for me to express myself. Also another good way to express yourself or relieve stress is by going for a walk or by doing an activity that you love to do such as for me I love to ride horses but for some people that activity could be something like playing a sport or playing a instrument to express themselves and show people just who they really are and what they are thinking.

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