Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Blog 9

After reading the few articles on the Human-Genome Project I became a little more informed and familiar about it and also about the topic Genetics. Before reading the articles I knew very little about the Human-Genome Project and Genetics although I was familiar with hearing about them in science classes they were just a topic I was not very interested in. The first article I read "The Poetry of Genetics" was about how Genetic sequences are read, how we get viruses in our genetic sequences, and also about how genetic code is viewed as a language by the environment. The next article "Genome Ethics" stated that The Genome Map has two major purposes. The first is the abilities it offers to medicine. The article also talks about Genetic Destiny, Agony and Religion, and the Unhealthy Fetus. And the last article I read was "Genes Cleaned and Starched, While You Wait" was about how genetics were founded by Mendel, how DNA became about and got it's name, and how genetic code is a big deal for the scientific community. So although I really was not interested in any of these readings they allowed me to be more familiar about genetics and the Human-Genome Project.

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