Thursday, February 7, 2008

Blog 4

All of this weeks readings in our NextText book all deal wtih families, family activities, and also a story on geneology. Casa: A Partial Rememberance of a Puerto Rican Childhood was the story that most interested me and the one that I could most relate myself to. The story is about a family that is sitting around while the grandmother of the family tells stories. Judith Oritz Cofer is the author and when the story took place she was only thirteen years old. She explains how her mom and aunts would gather around in the living room and her grandmother would tell stories. The story the grandmother tells is based towards the author's Aunt Laura and was about a girl name Maria La Loca who was suppose to get married and was left standing at the alter alone becuase the man she was suppose to marry never showed up. I think this story was meant towards her Aunt Laura because she was suppose to get married to a man in a nother town in a year and I think the story was just meant to scare her a little. The reason why I can relate to this story the most is because I can remember when I was young and my grandmother was still alive my cousins and myself use to always sit around her living room after school and she use to always tell us stories about our parents when they were young and also other stories about the family. I think this is why the holidays spent with the family are my favorite thing to do because I love to spend time talking and catching up with loved ones.

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