Thursday, January 10, 2008

Blog 1

This week after reading four stories in our "Next Text" book it made me think about all of the stories being talked about and just how true each of the stories are and just how much I can relate to each story in some way from past experiences I have seen/heard about happening. In the very introduction it shows a woman holding a Louis Vuitton bag which is fake which is something that is more and more common today. I have heard about quite a few court cases in which someone has taken someone else to court because they were trying to cheat them out by telling them the purse is real when it is really fake. Each of the four stories is based on some form of cheating whether it would be a huge deal if you get caught or if it would be just a minor offense if caught. why do people feel the need to steal things? Some people are just that poor or selfish and feel that if they don't steal things they won't be able to survive or fit in . For example some people have to steal food because they are just that poor they can not buy their own food or some people are just that selfish and they feel they need to steal that piece of jewelry just to fit in because so many other "cool" people have it. Also another big reason why I feel that people cheat is because our society is becoming a big competition. And if you don't do things a certain way or have certain things then you are just looked down upon in society so therefore people steal their way to the top so they can still compete society. So there are lots of reasons why people steal and cheat it is your job to decide whether it is really worth it or not.

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